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  • WV-SW458
Skladom na predajni
360-degree Super Dynamic Vandal Resistant Dome Network Camera
Obj. čislo:
Wide range of image modes (Select the ideal image mode based on what you want to monitor and where the camera is installed.)
• Double Panorama Mode When the camera is installed on the ceiling, the entire area under the camera is displayed as two 180° panoramic images.
• Panorama Mode When the camera is installed on a wall, the 180° area in front of the camera is displayed as a panoramic image. Blind spots that occur at the left and right sides of the image when using a 104° horizontal wide-angle camera (WV-SW155) are captured clearly.
• Quad PTZ Mode 4 VGA size (640 x 480 dot) images displayed on one screen. Images in all four directions from the camera installation location are displayed on one screen. You can click on areas within images that you want to see, display a 360° fisheye image at the side of the display, and move to positions that you want to see simply by clicking.
• Single PTZ Mode Displays one quad VGA size (1280 x 960 dot) image. You change the display area by clicking the area you want to see in the image.
• Fisheye Mode Displays full 360° fisheye images, enabling monitoring without blind spots. Shooting in all directions means that the path of everyone walking beneath the camera can be monitored. Images can be displayed in 3Mbps or 1.3 Mbps modes.


Hmotnosť1,508 kg

Súvisiaci tovar


    Konzola na rohovú montáž (svetlo šedá)
    Na objednanie
    Obj. čislo: WV-Q183


    Držiak na stenu (jemné striebro)
    Skladom na predajni
    Obj. čislo: WV-Q122A


    Konzola pre montáž na stĺp (jemné striebro)
    Na objednanie
    Obj. čislo: WV-Q188


    Montážna konzola (jemné striebro)
    Skladom na predajni
    Obj. čislo: WV-Q124

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Naposledy navštívené


360-degree Super Dynamic Vandal Resistant Dome Network Camera


Veľká letná akcia platná od 15.8.2024 do 30.9.2024

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